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The Bridge Club uses “Bridgemates”, a wireless scoring system for Bridge, which allows scores to be recorded as the game progresses, and therefore to consult the tournament results from the last deal played.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

As with a scoresheet, it is in principle South that uses the Bridgemate. South is responsible for operation and East (or West) is responsible for checking the entered score.

Bridgemates do not have an “on
/ off ” button.
To activate a Bridgemate, press the
OK button.

The Bridgemate automatically turns off after a period of inactivity, just press the
OK button and it will turn back on exactly where it turned off.
No data is lost, you can complete an entry by pressing the
OK key.

Logo Bridge Club de MONTARGIS_edited_edi
Logo Bridge Club de MONTARGIS_edited_edi
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