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  • Count your cards without looking at them. If someone does not have 13, call the referee.

  • Start face down, while waiting for the partner's consent to turn the card over.

  • At the slightest irregularity or misunderstanding, call the referee .

  • Do n't fiddle with auction boxes: decide what auction to bid before you get your hands in the auction box. If you pull a bad card, react immediately to change it.

  • Any jump auction (opening, response or intervention) must be preceded by a “ stop ” card. The following opponent must pause before bidding himself (even to pass).

  • Alert conventional auctions, even if they are very well known. The “ alert ” card must be placed by the partner of the player who has produced a conventional bid, before the opponent on the left has bid.

  • In the event of an out-of-round or insufficient bid, call the referee. Players do not have to self-arbitrate .

  • Likewise in the event of a start outside the turn.

  • The dead is silent! Except to say "It's your hand" if the declarer is on the wrong side, or "no? To avoid a waiver.

  • Play over time : 7 minutes per deal, do not discuss between deals.

  • Keep the same pace when bidding or playing: if you are slow, do not land your pass at lightning speed if you have 3 points! Likewise, too long a reflection followed by a pass can be considered as “illegal information”. You can think about it, but your partner doesn't have to assume that you have gambling or limit gambling.

  • No mannerisms : do not take a broke look at the sight of a dying death ... and do not say "I should have passed" or "it will fall".

  • Dummy can call the referee , but only after the end of the game (if, for example, he has noticed a withdrawal).

  • Avoid tabling unless you are absolutely sure you have all the remaining tricks. But it is mandatory to calculate whether all the remaining tricks are master (for example if you only have trumps left in your hand, and all those on the flank have been removed; if in doubt, draw your biggest trump and tablez).

  • The search for a fit in Major is a priority . Otherwise, play Sans-Atout, only play a minor if there is no other possibility.

  • Do not hesitate to intervene if the color is valid.

  • Waking up is almost automatic after opening followed by 2 "Pass", with at least 8 hours.

  • Know how to defend , especially not vulnerable against vulnerable. Let opponents play below 2 ♠ as little as possible .

  • Try to do a better lift.

  • Play "in the field": make the auction or choose the most likely contract.

  • Do not panic if the opponent calls the referee : he is there to regularize and explain.

  • In the event of an appeal to the arbitrator : the one who called explains the facts first, the others will provide additional explanations afterwards.

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